Stock Photos & Graphics Kit

Get access to over 400 of our best stock photos, vectors, and icons emailed right to your inbox.

Free Graphics

What do you get in this free kit?

Your free kit comes with six content packs that include some of our best stock photos, vectors, and icons. You’ll get access to over 400 images you can use for any project.

Powerful Photos Pack

Powerful stock photos pack (94 files)
Use these impactful photographs to move your audience with your projects, social media, or blog.

Modern vectors pack

Modern vector art pack (81 files)
Get these contemporary illustrations and vectors for your website or newsletters.

Smart infographics pack

Smart infographics pack (92 files)
Present information clearly and professionally with this helpful infographic pack.

Striking gradients pack

Striking gradients pack (104 files)
Use these free gradients to add color to your presentations or graphic designs.

Sharp symbols & icons pack

Sharp symbols and icons pack (50 files)
Simplify your message with symbols and icons that get your point across faster.

Versatile backgrounds pack

Versatile backgrounds pack (65 files)
Enhance your product photography, marketing, or announcements with backgrounds.

Claim your Free Design Kit now

About Vecteezy

For over a decade, Vecteezy has provided designers with millions of the best stock photos, vectors, and videos. We offer worry-free licensing with fully guaranteed resources for personal or commercial use.

Trusted by the world’s top brands

Companies that trust Vecteezy


We ask for your email in exchange for this free kit in order to send information to you that we think may be of interest to you by email, and send you marketing communications (like discounts and design tips) that we think may be of value to you. You can read more about our privacy policy here, and you can always unsubscribe from communications at any time.


We’re sharing free photos and graphics that we hope you’ll find useful. Keep us in mind next time you work on your next design project!

Yes, you can use them for your projects. If you are using this free content in a digital format you can simply copy and paste the attribution HTML that is provided in the license pop-up. Just click on the “How do I provide attribution” link below the download button on the download page.

If you are using content in other formats, including print, merchandise or Production, you are required to attribute “” into the scrolling credits at the end of a production or printed on the materials or merchandise. Attribution should be of such color, size, and prominence so it is clear and easily readable by the unaided eye. If you do not want to provide attribution, you can purchase a Pro License.

Attribution is only required when you use Free content that has a Free License. If you upgrade to a Pro License by purchasing one with credits or becoming a Pro member then Attribution is no longer required.